Techniton Politeia – interviews with artisans

Techniton Politeia” means “city (or community) of artisans” in Greek.

Since the beginning one of the blog’s goals has been to bring people closer to the art and craft of bookbinding and other associated crafts. To make them understood and appreciated.

Following the philosophy described above, I present you with a series of interviews of talented artisans, as an invitation to step into their workspaces and explore their world of creativity and beauty.

Kate Holland

Join our conversation with Kate as she talks about the place of design bindings in the art world, the continuity and therapeutic potential of our craft, the importance of handcrafting and more!

Hannah Brown

Hannah unravels how a single threaded red line led to a unique style and a plethora of majestic embroidered bindings.

Click here for Part I & Part II

Jemma Lewis

In this interview Jemma introduces us to the mesmerizing Art&Craft of Marbling.

Robert Wu - A Voyage to the North Pole

Robert Wu

Wu is a Taiwanese-Canadian bookbinder based in Toronto. Apart from impressive reliure d’art, he also specialises in marbling and adorable miniature bindings.

Huhu Hu - The Monkey King 1

Jin Hu

Jin Hu is located in the far east. Self-taught to a great extent, her work has been continuously evolving over the years, presenting us with wonderful creations along the way.

Samuel Feinstein Part 1
Samuel Feinstein Part 2

Samuel Feinstein creates bindings gracefully balancing between the classic and modern and is also known for his excellent finishing.


Jana Pullman

Jana is a renown binder and bookbinding instructor specializing in fine bindings.

From within a book- Emma Taylor

Emma Taylor

Emma produces works of arts using books as her medium.